Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The song "Be Still and Know That I Am God" has been running thru my mind since I last blogged, no wonder! God always knows what He is doing even when we start throwing temper tamtrums and getting impatient with His plan. All I can say now is, PRAISE THE LORD!!

My water broke at 4:45 this morning and we will head to the hospital in a bit. And today is my sweet Mema's birthday! It brings tears to my eyes to think of how God works. We saw her last night and she told me how she's been praying for the baby to be born on her birthday, and I know one thing for sure, God hears my Mema's prayers! She has prayed for me every single night since before I was born and I'm so excited that her prayers thru the years have been answered because I bet those prayers have saved me from alot of the junk of life! My mema is one of the most precious and influencial people in my life and I am just sooo excited to be able to cherish her memory in such a special way when she leaves this world. Now one of my most precious gifts in life will share this day with her. I love how the Lord works!

Please continue to pray for us during the labor and delivery, we will update you this evening with our little joy! Now, I need to go call my Mema!

This picture is of Mema, Andrew and Abby on this day last year- her birthday!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love your Mema too and am crying with you! I am so excited this is the big day and what a better day than Mema's birthday!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for calling me this morning! It meant so much. I love you and will be praying for a safe and healthy delivery.