Tuesday, December 19, 2006

One week old

Connor is one week old today! Wow, time has flown by so fast already! He is such a joy to our family, we are all getting along great so far, although I'm a bit worried about juggling three kids, housework and a dorm full of girls when George goes back to work! He has been such a huge help and keeps Andrew and Abby occupied and happy all day long! I am so thankful to have a month off for Christmas break, After all the fuss, I have to admitt, Connor was born at a the perfect time!

We are looking forward to Christmas! Hope all is well with all ya'll in the blogging world! Have a wonderful holiday season, I'll post some Christmas pictures as soon as possible!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Connor George Strachan

He's Here!! Our precious little angel has finally arrived! We have been home 4 days now and are all settling in great. Connor is a perfect baby, he eats about every 2 hours and goes back to sleep in the night just fine. When he's awake, he is happy and loves to just look around and listen to all the sounds of home. Andrew and Abby are doing wonderful with him, Andrew wants to hold him all the time and Abby loves to pat his head and make sure he has a pacy near by! George and I just feel so blessed, if I could sum up my life in one word it would be "complete". God has been so good to us.

It was so fun waiting to find out if Connor was a boy or girl, the anticipation during labor helped get me through. When he was born, his back was to us as the DR. was suctioning his nose and stuff and no one said if he was a boy or girl, it seemed like forever, although it was probably a second or two, then someone finally said he was a boy! It was all just so exciting!

I really wanted to try hard not to use an epidural and prayed about it for several months, in fact, I didn't really tell people how much of a spiritual issue it had become to me. I really believed that I could make it through with God's help. There were so many answered prayers along the way. My nurse was new to the hospital and come from a hospital where most moms chose not to use an epidual, so she was such a huge help to me. She talked to me a long time before the hard labor hit and kept me focused on what was to come. I went from 5-6cm to complete in about 30 minutes, so the Lord sped things up for me. It was a hard 30 minutes, but I did it! I remember at one point at the peak of a very intense contraction, I closed my eyes and saw the cross. The words running through my head were, "If he could do that, you can do this". I knew the Lord was whispering those words to my heart. I just kept telling myself that nothing is impossible with God's help. I'm not saying I'd recommend not using an epidural to everyone, modern medicine is a wonderful thing! But I'm glad I had the experience at least once!

We will keep you up to date as we can, our lives are in busy overdrive right now, but every mom loves bragging on their kids, so I'm sure I'll find time to share our blessings with you all.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


The song "Be Still and Know That I Am God" has been running thru my mind since I last blogged, no wonder! God always knows what He is doing even when we start throwing temper tamtrums and getting impatient with His plan. All I can say now is, PRAISE THE LORD!!

My water broke at 4:45 this morning and we will head to the hospital in a bit. And today is my sweet Mema's birthday! It brings tears to my eyes to think of how God works. We saw her last night and she told me how she's been praying for the baby to be born on her birthday, and I know one thing for sure, God hears my Mema's prayers! She has prayed for me every single night since before I was born and I'm so excited that her prayers thru the years have been answered because I bet those prayers have saved me from alot of the junk of life! My mema is one of the most precious and influencial people in my life and I am just sooo excited to be able to cherish her memory in such a special way when she leaves this world. Now one of my most precious gifts in life will share this day with her. I love how the Lord works!

Please continue to pray for us during the labor and delivery, we will update you this evening with our little joy! Now, I need to go call my Mema!

This picture is of Mema, Andrew and Abby on this day last year- her birthday!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Stubborn Baby!!!

Ok, so I am officially 2 days over my due date and I'm getting impatient now!! This baby feels so much later to me than it really is because I've been expecting it to come early for about 3 weeks now! I have had contractions on and off for weeks, especially the last few days. We even went up to the hospital early this morning because I thought they were close enough together that they might admitt me and help move things along! No luck!! I had 2 contractions in the hour they monitored me!!

Dr. Citty said that I could come in Wednesday for him to break my water and I took the offer gladly at the time, now I'm having second thoughts and don't really know what to do! I'm just exhausted at this point, but maybe that's selfish. Part of me thinks I should just be patient and let God and this baby decide what is best, but the other part of me is going nuts! I have been praying every night that my water will break on it's own like with the other two kids so then at least I'd know I was really in labor!

I guess I'll keep you posted on whether or not we went in on Wednesday. I've got some praying to do between now and then!

Love you all,
Donna and Connor or Kaylee (stubborn baby #3!)