Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Baby Count Down!!

Well, it's almost time for our new baby!! I am three weeks away from my due date- Dec. 9. Abby was 3 weeks early and Andrew was 2 weeks early, so really, anytime now for this one! Now watch, I'll probably go over the due date and be late! I have definitely been "nesting" because I was frantic to clean out the kid's closets and make room for baby number 3 this week! I washed all the generic baby clothes (which isn't much) and put it away and I've packed both my and the baby's bag for the hospital. I have a few more little things to get, but pretty much, we're all just waiting! I would really rather NOT go into labor while eating Thanksgiving turkey, so before or after next Thursday would be great! I don't want to miss all that good food and we all know what natzies the nurses can be about eating while in labor!
Part of me still can't believe we're having another baby! I really am starting to get excited now and less anxious. I've prayed so much that this baby will be as easy going as possible and sleep good, and that Abby Rose will adjust ok with not being the baby anymore. She is hard core in the middle of the 2 year old independance stuff and I just really pray she will not feel neglected or jealous. I know God will take good care of us. Sweet Andrew will be such a big help, I am seeing more and more that he really does have a heart of gold, he is so thoughtful of others and is almost always willing to help. I can't wait to see what personality this new baby has! We have 2 precious children now, with very different personalities and it's hard to imagine a different personality in the mix!
I'ts going to be real fun to see if this baby is a boy or girl, the excitement is really building now, so stay tuned, I promise to post our news just as soon as possible! Love to all, and keep praying for us during this time!

1 comment:

Lara said...

Hey, Donna. Glad to know you are doing well. I still can't believe you haven't figured out this baby's gender yet. How fun!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lara :)